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Article Title: What Is The Church? - Part 4
Author of reported comment: Pax
Comment Date: 01:57 on Nov 7 2010
Comment: Your book is so welcome! like water to the thirsty. Our prayer is that many will come to see the truth you speak more and more rather than being dazzled by the "super apostles" of New Apostolic Reformation / International Coalition of Apostles and more. God never designed church govenment to lord it over the people as some do, but Jesus personally spoke against that. This pyramidical style egyptian cultic system has been seen before... Then is was called the Shepherding/Discipleship Movement of the 70s, the only difference is that the word "shepherd" has been replaced with "apostle". It may have a different wrapper but it is just the same inside the packaging! Christians read your bible! Steve, bless you for your work in the books you have written.
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