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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: Randi Guzewicz
Comment Date: 21:43 on Nov 12 2010
Comment: You know the body is praying for your full restoration...and deliverance in your marriage and walk with the Lord. With God you know all things are possible! It is the submitting to Him and the obedience to the His word that is the decision we pray you will make ..that you will choose this day to let God restore you..repentance and forgiveness from the father is immediate. You have to forgive yourself and know that it is not the unpardonable sin.i pray wife will seek God too dn you both will be restored. God hasn't stepped down from the throne ...and He has gifted you with a beautiful gift of drawing us into the presence of the Lord in a gentle, humble way that is hard to describe. God doesn't take away the gift, but you want to use it for His glory so bottom line the choice is yours. You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you, and with God all things are possible...ALL THINGS! don't give up, He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you could even think or ask..We are standing in the gap for your situation..and pray for God's grace and mercy to be poured out on you and your family..and that your anointing will increase as you turn all things over to him. Be strong in the Lord and the Power of His Might! You weren't a mistake..God wanted you born and to be used for His glory! Praying for you, Randi Guzewicz
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