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Article Title: This Is Our Time
Author of reported comment: Dougie Adam
Comment Date: 20:45 on Nov 15 2010
Comment: Reviews can be all about opinions and I for one disagree massively with the review above and think it does a disservice to the CD in question as well as to Jim and his ministry. I'll put my cards on the table and say that until 5 years ago, I spent 4 years working alongside Jim in a church plant in Aberdeen and I was familiar with 6 of the 10 songs on the album before they were recorded and released. I've had the pleasure of playing alongside Jim and have seen God use Jim and many of these songs to touch people's hearts both in Aberdeen and also at churches and conferences where Jim was invited to lead worship. I think the review does a disservice to the album as a whole by giving the impression that all the songs fall into the one genre, the dreaded MOR-worship category and they are all mid and slow tempo numbers suffering from weak or unoriginal lyrics! From the time I spent working with Jim, "You And I" was possibly the song which had the consistently the biggest ministry impact on worshiping congregations, probably because it is such an intimate and directly personal expression of love for God... you can't sing the words with any integrity if you are trying to fake it spiritually. I found "You and I" to be a bigger aid to my personal worship than songs full of theological terminology because it strips everything down to 1 worshipper being alone with God, and although the language initially looks like a simple love song the dynamic of it coming from a human worshipper addressing God Almighty turns the simple language on its head and makes it a profound and deep seated experience to sing these words from your heart.
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