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Article Title: This Is Our Time
Author of reported comment: Dougie Adam
Comment Date: 20:47 on Nov 15 2010
Comment: Set against a background in Scotland where the Church of Scotland is predicting it could go belly up financially within the next decade and where most denominations are in decline, Jim's songs consistently point people prophetically to hope, strength and power found through relationship with Jesus and call Christians in Scotland to rise up and be counted and to not bow down to defeat and pessimism! I'm not sure how this equates with recycling lyrics from many other worship songs or showing signs of being unimaginative lyrically. As well as a few songs which do nod musically to 80's power ballads, I also hear on the vast majority of the album musical similarities to the anthemic slow burning gems by U2, Coldplay, Delirious and Hillsong United, particularly in Richard Walker's excellent guitar work. For a project which is privately recorded and released I would say the production values and standards are high (two songs from the album were mixed at Abbey Road) and alongside the MOR slow ballads there are also plenty of songs with a contemporary sound. One of the strengths of the albums is that I can easily imagine the average church praise band taking songs like "You and I", "Never Been A Moment", "Stay With Me", "Power To Live", The Name of Jesus" and "No Greater Love" and working out their own arrangements of these songs for use in congregational worship, and any worship album with 5 or 6 songs out of 10 which can be used in this way has got to be worth checking out surely?
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