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Article Title: Intelligent Design Versus Evolution
Author of reported comment: John
Comment Date: 16:57 on Nov 23 2010
Comment: Woh! Earth is 4.5 million years old is a FACT! It is not it is inferred using dating techniques and certain assumptions of the half-life and assumptions on the amount of radioactive isotypes being the same as current levels. Sorry to be pedantic but I am involved in mathematically modelling of real life systems and so am very aware of the assumptions that have to be input into the models. It's a shame that this issue has been blown up by various parties who have agendas to pursue and thus hide the assumptions underlying the scientific methodology and downplay the data which doesn't fit the theory. Such a shame as it means we can't properly discuss the shortfalls of the system without someone claiming that we have an axe to grind...
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