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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: Jan
Comment Date: 06:52 on Nov 25 2010
Comment: My heart is broken to hear of your having left the love and strength of Jesus Christ that you sing so powerfully of. I am crying as I write this. Jesus has used your music to transport my weary soul and dry spirit into His presence. When I listened to your music, I chose to take the Lord's way of escape from my own temptations. It breaks my heart that you did not heed the words of your own music. I got on your site tonight to see if you have any concerts planned here in San Diego so that I could take my unsaved husband with me; I was praying that the Lord would use what I thought was your sincere faith and sanctified life to bring my husband to salvation. But now I doubt my husband, who is such a precious, deeply loving and faithful husband who passionately believes divorce is not an option after making a commitment to marriage, would be able to get past your betrayal to the Lord Jesus, your wife and family. It is true that the Lord Jesus forgives us when we come to the Cross broken-hearted over the ugliness of our sin and when we truly repent (not make excuses for why we sinned and never commit that sin again) but He does not prevent us from having to pay the consequences for that sin here on earth and of having lost opportunities to win precious souls to Him. I pray for restoration in your life and that of your family. It is not too late to ask the Lord to restore your marriage and family life. Jesus Christ still works miracles today when we cast our sin at the foot of the Cross and submit to His rulership. If you do that, He may choose to use your contrite, obedient spirit and musical talent to bring glory to Him in a new way. I will be praying for you. May our Lord Jesus Christ bring complete healing in your life.
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