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Article Title: Still Believing
Author of reported comment: Dalmas
Comment Date: 11:04 on Nov 26 2010
Comment: Hi to all, Am also a staunch catholic believer thrilled by the most inspiring songs of dearly beloved sister singer Marilla. her choice of words are so inspiring more so to the tender lives of young people. i remember listening to her song 'maranatha' when i was only 11years old in the album form where i stand' if my memory is still right. this was in my parish priest's car whenever we would go for mass with him outside since i was an altar boy, he was an irish priest form England. since then i have had specila personal touch with these songs that sometimes i keep humming them since i cannot remember the actual words for it along way back. as a catholic seminarian these songs inspire me alot though its unfortunate i cannot get a copy of any of them due to my situation as a student at the momet studying for the catholic priesthood and i will greatly thank the Lord if you people can by the grace of our Lord and saviour can offer to ship me even a CD that has even a single album. Marrilla you are my model keep it also my celebrity. says Dalmas, KENYA
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