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Article Title: Danny Taylor Dies
Author of reported comment: Peter and Debra Kaye
Comment Date: 22:29 on Nov 29 2010
Comment: We met Danny back in the early 1980's. We had moved to Nashville and heard about a live radio show that was being produced at a church in Donnellson, TN just east of Nashville. We didn't know anything about Danny but from that from the moment we met a very deep friendship began and for the next couple of years Deb and I were with Danny every week helping with the show. Danny was the host, producer, regular performer, creative genius and all around answer man. He drew from the many years of experience he had acquired and was always quick to share, instruct, disciple and mentor all who walked through the door. Those couple of years spent with Danny are some of the fondest memories Deb and I have of our time in Nashville. We learned so much from Danny and would spend hours together talking about spiritual ideas and thoughts, to music, politics, was great. The last time we saw Danny was in the fall of 1984. Danny came by to see our new daughter and basically to say he was leaving Nashville for a while. We never saw him again. Just this past week, I came across an old Danny Taylor album as well as a recording of one of the radio shows. Deb decided to look again on line to see if we could find Danny and that's when we learned of his passing January of this year. Danny, you’ve always had a special place in our hearts...we've missed you tremendously...but the incredible part is that someday we will see you again. You made a difference in our lives and the lives of countless others. Thank you for letting God use you my friend. Our lives were changed and made better because our Father saw fit to have our paths cross with yours. Love you always Danny! Peter and Debra Kaye November 29, 2010
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