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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: Bill
Comment Date: 23:50 on Nov 29 2010
Comment: Da truth is all of us have been caught in something one way or another. But, and I say But if it had not been for Graaaaace. Everyone here making comments would be wiped off the face of the earth. Lust is a very strong Demon. and in someway or another all of us have been caught out there if not once many times and there are some of who struggle and will continue to struggle. But for the Grace of God. It's funny to hear people comment like they would have handle it differently. Well maybe you would have but what about that stuff you did that nobody knew you did but God and you ? When you understand relationship and not religion these things are not meant for you to put your negative 2 cents in it's meant for you to pray our brothers and sisters through just like someone did for you.
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