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Article Title: Why Is The Universe So Big?
Author of reported comment: Jim Randle
Comment Date: 10:50 on Nov 30 2010
Comment: I can't agree that the rest of the universe is only there to support us humans. We are too much of a tiny insignificant little speck of a planet to be the only one with intelligent life. There are many different religions on our planet, so what's to say there aren't lots of different religions on other planets. I think that God is above and beyond time and space and there doesn't need to be a creation point at some time in the distant past. Its an ongoing thing. If God chose to, he could just wish us out of existence, like turning the television off.I am a member of the Bahá'í Faith and we believe in the unity of all mankind. All of the Great World Religions come from the One Same God. The Bahá'í Faith is the latest of the Great World Religions and Christianity is now an old religion, almost as old as Judaism with the old testament.We also believe that Science and Religion must go hand in hand and that children should have a Universal Compulsory Education.
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