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Article Title: Retrospect
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 19:02 on Dec 2 2010
Comment: I have this cd of collective songs by Rob; nice collection to have by him. I luv his '86 song "This Town": great song Rob! CCM vet Steve Camp and Rob's wife co-wrote "This Town". Another favorite is "The Heartland" from 1990, co-written with CCM vet & great songwriter/singer Pam Mark Hall; nice recording Rob. 3 new songs hi-lite this collection of songs, "Love is Sacrifice" is one new song that starts of the cd. Lisa Glasglow provides top notch background vocals for the song; great new song Rob! Steve Camp (whose songs I just luv, plus have several of his cds/lps) produced Rob's first 2 CCM albums, after that the talented Jonathan David Brown produced his projects. Jonathan is known for producing the angelic vocals of CCM Songstress Twila Paris, and providing top-notch backing vocals for many of her best loved songs. Another new song for this cd is "Why, Why, Why" a duet with Steve Camp; Rob & Steve wrote the song: another great new song! This cd is great CCM history! Haven't heard anything from Rob in the millenium years, ANYONE HAVE ANY UP TO DATE INFO ON ROB? THANX! GOD Bless! -Don
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