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Article Title: The Long Run
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 19:38 on Dec 2 2010
Comment: What a great CCM cd for the 90's genre. I just luv the cd starter song "We Are One"; Lisa Glasgow and Marabeth Jordan (of First Call) help to provide great backing vocals; Great song Rob! "Forgiven" is next cd song, co-written with the talented Steve Camp. It's another song I favor,great recording. Phillip Sandifer provides bgv's for "When You Haven't Got A Prayer"; another noteworthy song;great ccm style.(Note: the music of Phillip Sandifer is worth the buying and listening). "A Place Called Heaven" will take you back to the 60's era; you will definitely hear a lick of the Beatles' sound on this song!:co-written with pioneer vet Steve Camp; another great song guys!: the very talented Chris Rodriguez lends his bgv's for the song. EVERY song on this cd is worth the listening pleasure; and well-deserving of compliments. I luv "The World Needs JESUS"; it is a song for today!: again Lisa Glasgow sings some wondrous bgv's for the song! "Hole in my Heart" I connect with, thanks Rob for this song. All in all, this has got to be Rob's top notch recording of songs throughout his career. I highly recommend you buy this cd, if you do not have it. GOD Bless!-Don
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