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Article Title: A Threat To Free Speech
Author of reported comment: Greig
Comment Date: 17:39 on Dec 3 2010
Comment: If the law stops people from making ludicrous and insulting overtly public statements(which is what happened in the case mentioned about the street preacher declaring anti-gay sentiments in a loud and therefore potentially offensive and insulting way to people who are gay) then that is a positive thing. Christians seriously need to do more research into their Bible and look at the issue of sexuality. How many have gone away and done that. My guess would be less than 5%. In any case, it's offensive. End of. That's why we got rid of Hitler some years ago for similar held views in relation to people who are gay. Shame on people who still adhere to these despicable, freedom curbing beliefs. They have no place in a respectful and decent society.
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