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Article Title: Why Is The Universe So Big?
Author of reported comment: stella herbert
Comment Date: 22:12 on Dec 4 2010
Comment: So refreshing to read such commonsense. I watched "5 minutes with Richard Dawkins" earlier today ( BBC page) and although he admits to being a spiritual person in so far as enjoying the countryside, poetry, music etc, he has yet to comprehend that these feelings come from a part of him that many of us would call a soul, that is not present in animals and will live forever. Does he not wonder what gives humans the unique ability to reason and understand ( or try to) the universe? And if we have evolved from fish-like beings through various stages, and at each stage have found the conditions on earth just right to nurture the form we take and to provide the means to evolve further, then how much more amazing is the Creator to have made it so - especially if we consider the possibility that other planets may at one time in the past or in the future have also had life forms adapted to their own condtions. We should truly be grateful for the "gift" of understanding and that scientific knowledge has not become a veil concealing the truth. Praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds!
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