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Article Title: Breath On The Windowpane
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 19:25 on Dec 6 2010
Comment: I have this great album by this terrific songwriter; he recorded 2 albums this same year. I was soo hoping to hear more from him than just 2 albums though. I love his title song from other lp, "Stronger than the Weight". The most memorable song I recall from this lp was/is "Eyes of a Child": great song David. It was a highly favorable hit in the fall of '86. I also really like "JEHOVAH's Song"; David wrote all of the songs for the album and does all the vocals as well; he is so talented! "Blind Love" is also another fave from the lp. I really connect with "Rock Me"; thank you David for this great song! I like the words to title song "Breath on the Windowpane"; I would have favored a more mellower sound for this song; especially as it nearly closes the album. I have never seen any of his 2 projects on cd; save but for some single songs on various cd compilations. GOD Bless! -Don
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