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Article Title: Start All Over Again
Author of reported comment: Mark Johnson
Comment Date: 13:08 on Dec 9 2010
Comment: Don, I heard you guys as a new Christian on the lawn at the Orange Park Assembly of God, circa 1978. I still have the vinyl. I've actually had it converted at one point to a CD. I keep waving under the nose of our worship leader songs like "Start All OVer Again" and "Where Will You Be Tomorrow?" I"m a classically tained piano player through my late teens. In 1974 I picked up guitar and play in our P&W band at church. Amidst Chris Tomlin, Matt Redman and others, there is still a lot of room for the Wall Brothers. You guys should dust off your shoes a little and make yourselves available for church tours. I'm almost 59 years old and still have a hankering to go out for the Lord and lead people to Him through music. I'd love to see you guys live again. have you talked about it over the years?
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