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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Olivia M
Comment Date: 12:39 on Dec 13 2010
Comment: When I heard of your failure some time back I wept in my spirit for some time. I sit watching your video of Praise and Worship and wonder if this is when you were having your tryst? My heart cries out for you. The anointing can prove to be suductive when it travels through a vessel that does not mix a really good amount of "the fear of the Lord" with their station and their actions. I believe where you were ministering and the pastoral "covering" that flowed down upon you must of also had an impact on what happened to you my dear brother. Satan lost his anointing when he was "lifted up" he now seeks to rob others of theirs. I pray God's blessings and anointing continue to abide upon you and that as you said " you've learned and are charting a new course for your life. Blessings to you from one that has spent hours and hours worshipping the Lord with you.
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