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Article Title: God
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 20:46 on Dec 13 2010
Comment: What a great ccm cd from an 18 year old; this her 2nd cd recording. I had seen the video for the title song "GOD"; I thought WOW! What a song!! I was soo taken by the song and video!! Rebecca also co-wrote this song of wonderment! Sometimes you cannot explain things, but you know that "IT'S GOD!" Rebecca's voice is soo highly polished at such a young age; her songwriting talents are highly commendable as well! I love the song "Speak to Me"; I really connect with this one, thanks Rebecca. I was disappointed with the video version of "YOU'RE the Voice"; if you have seen the video for "GOD"; it is obvious that it lacks. "ABBA (Father)" is another cd favorite; great song too! I believe this cd is the one that really catapulted her into the ccm spotlight! GOD Bless! -Don
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