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Article Title: Bob Dylan: The spiritual journey of a 20th century icon
Author of reported comment: Tim Burt
Comment Date: 18:08 on Dec 14 2010
Comment: I was preparing a sermon that reminded me of the Dylan song, "Got to Serve Somebody." I did a search on Dylan and ended up reading this article. I just want to say that I thought your article was brilliantly written, accurate and fair. Celebrity status to a new Christian can be as dangerous as money in the hands of one not mature enough to handle it. (Can you say young pro atheletes?) I can't imagine the pressure he was put under to speak that which he had not yet learned or experienced. My prayer is that he is mature enough and able to forgive those that exploited him and created pressures that no young Christian should have to experience. After all, we do have to learn to run before we can walk and talk before we can deliver oration. Thanks again for this excellent article.
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