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Article Title: Max Divorce
Author of reported comment: Roseanne
Comment Date: 22:48 on Jan 6 2011
Comment: God hates divorce, absolutely. Sure the breakdown in relationship makes him very sad. But look at it this way, divorce comes at the end of a spiralling process, for which at the end, however awful, unless there is an equal commitment on both sides to making it work, becomes the inevitable conclusion. It is not fair to blame Kevin like some of you people who comment do. She was the one who wanted 'out' anyway, but even then do any of us really know the painful ins and outs, sufficently to JUDGE? We have NO BUSINESS JUDGING AT ALL! And as if both of them did not suffer enough greif and pain through the process! Kevin has been very upfront about his weaknesses. Hello people!!! Where is the Christian compassion? God has now blessed Kevin with a much happier second marriage , lovely children and what seems, apparently a deeper relationship with the Lord which is testemony to the fact that He is the God of second chances with a love that is undending and abounding in GRACE. When things go wrong in someone's relationship we are in NO position to judge. That is between them and the Lord. May the Lord bless Kevin, Amanda and family, the Lord who makes all things new. God bless Alana also.
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