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Article Title: 127 Hours
Author of reported comment: Steve
Comment Date: 11:20 on Jan 22 2011
Comment: I agree with what Simon had said in his report about selfishness. I saw the film and that is what seems to be depicted throughout the movie. Whilst it is in a controlled filming atmosphere,it certainly made you feel that you were alone and trapped. The flashbacks were confusing,but it became clear as the story unfolded. I must admit even I felt uncomfortable in being in the same situation. The one story line that really stood out was no-one knew he was there. He never left or told anybody where he was off too. In this day and age-it is more important now,than ever. At least the movie,although it concentrated too much on the entrapment,was apparent that you shouldn't take life lightly. On the whole not a bad film,it is gruesome as reviewed,but it is thought provoking.
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