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Article Title: The Trouble With Women
Author of reported comment: Mark M
Comment Date: 17:08 on Jan 24 2011
Comment: I disagree with Paul - and agree with John in Witney. Equality doesn't mean people are the same. God made Men and Women equally - but made them with different roles. Equal but different. 1 Cor 11 discusses what is the right pattern in worship. v3 "The head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God." This doesn't mean that God the Father and Christ the Son are unequal - but there is a submission that goes on there. The same happens in marriage and should happen in the leadership of a church. 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 2 make it clear that church leadership is male. It's not because men are always better - but because it's a reflection of God's creation order.
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