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Article Title: Christian Counsellor Targeted By Homosexual Journalist
Author of reported comment: David Townsend
Comment Date: 15:41 on Jan 25 2011
Comment: I do not support the practice of any form of "reparative" therapy for LGBT people and think that Mr Strudwick is right to highlight where this is practiced and to bring it to the attention of the wider public and the appropriate authorities. I believe reparative therapy to be an abuse of the individual LGBT person and wholly inappropriate, since homosexuality is not a psychological disorder. However, I am grateful to this article for highlighting aspects of this case that I have not read in the wider press. It seems to me that there are two sides to this story and I hope that the Professional Conduct Panel has taken a balanced view. I met Leslie a number of years ago when I was part of a church group led by her and her husband. Whilst I would probably disagree with her views about homosexuality, at no time did she ever seek to impose her views and beliefs on me as a homosexual Christian. Quite the reverse in fact; she was very supportive of me during a difficult time in my life.
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