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Article Title: The Trouble With Women
Author of reported comment: Vivienne Neville
Comment Date: 16:10 on Jan 28 2011
Comment: Women in leadership in the church is such a controversial issue and a one which will continue to be so. As a women in the Anglican church I have listened to and read much on this issue and pick up on Paul’s final point “The fact is some women are gifted with leadership skills” Many of my friends are vicars both male and female, I have listened to passionate debates between those who are against and those who are for women leadership in the church. Many will agree that we gain much from both male and female leaders in the church context. When I look at scripture I see male and female leaders as co-workers together. Throughout the old and New Testament we read of dynamic male leaders working alongside dynamic female leaders. Exodus 15 Miriam, the daughter of Aaron was a prophetess. Judges 4 & 5: Deborah, a prophetess & judge. She was the fourth and only female judge of Israel. Deborah is among the outstanding women of history. 2 Kings 22:14; 2 Chronicles 34:22 Huldah, a prophetess. God freely selects His servants to carry out His will. Huldah was highly regarded by the people of her time. Acts 21:8 & 9: Philip the evangelist had four unmarried daughters who were prophets. Women actively participated in God's work. There are others. It is important for us to not bypass these women who were clearly leaders. Not all men are leaders, not all women are leaders but God has certainly giving the gift of leadership to some men and to some women. When I see male & female leaders working in leadership roles alongside each other in the church it is a blessing.
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