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Article Title: The Trouble With Women
Author of reported comment: Andrew Gale
Comment Date: 17:16 on Jan 28 2011
Comment: The first person to witness to the resurrection was a woman. The bible contains countless examples of women leaders, Miriam, Micah 6:4 “I sent Moses to lead you, also Aaron and Miriam.” Deborah Paul already mentions, Huldah in 2 Kings 22:14ff even the priests seek her leadership. Priscilla and Aquilla were joint teachers, Phoebe a deacon of the church, Young’s literal translation gives the word deacon its true meaning. And I commend you to Phebe our sister -- being a ministrant. I could go on, if all these women were women teachers and leaders those verses which appear to say this is forbidden must be speaking of a specific situation or culture or else they were openly ignored by the early church. I do feel that there may today be locations in the world where a woman couldn’t teach because of the prevailing culture of the country however I would believe that over time as the society was evangelised that here would be a change and the church there would say, “In Christ there is no male or female.” Oddly it was to such societies the church sent women to teach since many of those who object to women in leadership didn’t object to single women on the mission field.
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