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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Terry King
Comment Date: 20:09 on Jan 28 2011
Comment: I do not understand Terry's reason for divorcing his wife. He said there were too much to overcome between the both of them and the decision to divorce was his. So he decided to return to his piano but not his wife. The same God, the Holy Spiirt, Who enables him to return to his piano can also enable him to be with his wife. I have been married for 26 years now. My husband committed adultery against me in the 10th year of our marriage. That was a lot to handle, but I choose to trust the LORD in forgiving him; and my husband choose not to leave me and his three daughters. So I guess the choice is ours. Terry choose his love for his piano over his wife because the LORD did not have anything to do with his choice in leaving her. The LORD leaves the choosing to us.
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