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Article Title: The "M" Word
Author of reported comment: Joe
Comment Date: 22:51 on Jan 28 2011
Comment: Great article. I was looking for an article on the virtues of self-moderation, hoping I'd be able to persuade a group to which I belong that they do not need to be circulating 150 emails per week with announcements about "important" topics. My mother is a really important person in my life, but I don't need to email her 150 times a week. I don't have time for an additional 150 emails per week. Surely some of those 150 emails contain insignificant junk with which only the most objectively bored have the time to bother. When folks fail to self-moderate their own words, and fail confine their commentary to matters of true significance, those of us ..... all of us ..... who don't have enough hours in the day as it is ..... tune out, because we don't have the time to moderate the bad behavior of others as well.
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