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Article Title: Further Gospel Revelations
Author of reported comment: Shanaya
Comment Date: 19:07 on Feb 6 2011
Comment: As Christians we all should have a certain code of conduct. What I believe happened here is well meaning Christians falling into sin. Jeremiah says that the heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked...who can know it? Which is to say that we can't even trust our own heart. What most consider to be normal behavior is really lack of good boundaries. I don't know the intimate details but many a fall could be prevented if people didn't put themselves in compromising situations in the first place. A lot of situations dont seem compromising if our focus is on something else. I noticed that Tye and his wife apparently "counseled" the woman and D.A. TRUTH counseled Tye and his wife.....who knows what that involved but I can assure you that there was too much intimate involvement of all parties which is probably what led to the affairs in the first place....a single woman doesn't need to be counseled by her married, male choir director. That's just asking for trouble. Take a lesson from that...
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