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Article Title: Lullabies & Nursery Rhymes Vol 1
Author of reported comment: hannah m
Comment Date: 18:57 on Feb 21 2011
Comment: Good news! I was doing some research today and found a way to get the mp3 of the songs from the album 'lullabies and nursery rhymes', 1982. I found the site for His and Hernandez Music ( Their names and Frank and Betsy Hernandez, and they have transferred the album to mp3. If you email them, Frank will send you a zip drive with the songs. If you are nervous about this, go to the site; Frank's phone number is on the Contact Us page. I'm 28 and have 5 siblings. our parents used to play this album to us back in the '80's. But they died in 1088 and 1989, so we lost the track with these songs. Obviously, i was so blessed to find Frank and Betsy. I'm going to give this album to my siblings. : )
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