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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: Laura Evans
Comment Date: 16:56 on Mar 2 2011
Comment: Terry, I so grateful to God that you recognized your downfall and want to seek your peace and anointing back from God. He said that if we confess with our mouth and believe in our hearts he is faithful to forgive. I believe he has done this for you. You are a great psalmist and the anointing that you were given will be restored. You sing out to God and love our souls at the same time. I am glad that he returned your soul to rest in him. I listen to your worship songs and I know that God is listening. I can feel his presence with me during worship. We fall down but we get up and thank God for Jesus whom gave us this right. We are humans and our flesh sometimes get weak even though our spirit is strong. Jesus told the disciples when they asked. Lord how many times must we forgive someone; seven times and he answered seven times seven. There is no man that can judge you or blame you or count you at fault but God, so with that said I say May God continue to bless and keep you through the Holy Spirit. Please don't give up on us or Jesus because he never gives up on us. I love you, my brother in Christ
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