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Article Title: Charlie Landsborough: British country singer with a grassroots following
Author of reported comment: DIANA GREGORY
Comment Date: 16:06 on Mar 7 2011
Comment: I found this article to be a fair and factual description. However there is so much more to CHARLIE LANDSBOROUGH than just the writer of these beautiful songs. He has undoubtedly written the most fantastic selection of songs, from most every kind of genre, that people of all ages and background want to listen to.His music can have a calming effect in some of te songs or then again they can get you up and dancing within a couple of notes.......absolutely beautiful......something for everyone.The man behind the name...well he is a class above the rest of man. A national treasure and a true gentleman. My only hope and personal prayers would be that the powers that be.....will recognise and do something about this while we still have him on this earth.
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