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Article Title: Just Dance
Author of reported comment: Liz Walker
Comment Date: 07:34 on Mar 25 2011
Comment: Think this is a great debut EP by LED, the new south-west schools band based in Plymouth. The music engages you straight away with every track a winner, you find yourself playing it again and again. The message in the songs is relevant and really touches the mark for the young, so often hurting generation in school right now. What I like most is that the words of the songs are clear (although they have included the lyrics on the EP sleeve as well). Really strong hidden track too. LED's band launch in Plymouth city last month, with many more songs, was even better than expected - knew they were good but they turned out an amazing performance and owned the stage. Only regret is that this is an EP not an album - something to look forward to in the future as this band has a lot more to give!
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