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Article Title: Marilla Ness: How a 50 year old housewife became Catholic music's biggest star
Author of reported comment: Eddie Chastain
Comment Date: 14:55 on Mar 28 2011
Comment: Marilla is a true blessing from Heaven. For some strange reason Catholics are afraid to Praise & Worship God in song with our hands lifted up towards heaven; but with Marilla singing, one can't help not too. I am a great fan of music from the 40's & 50's, and when I had a car, I would play "my music" which was loud & fast, but I noticed that I would also start driving too fast; so I changed my CDs from rock & roll to Marilla and I found that I slowed down and the drive was much more enjoyable. Marilla, please stay true to your calling. God bless.
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