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Article Title: Miracles And Social Action
Author of reported comment: Duncan
Comment Date: 09:57 on Mar 29 2011
Comment: Hi Andy Really enjoyed reading your article. My wife and I support Compassion and give our time helping Christian charities in Norwich. However we feel our calling is to help and support marriage and we run marriage preparation courses and marriage courses. We have just been appointed Co-ordinators for Norfolk & Suffolk by Care for the Family for their new one day marriage preparation course 'Marriage by Design'. What Janice and I see as we help the poor seems to be so often the result of relationship breakdown, therefore we feel that reducing relationship breakdown is vital in helping to prevent people falling into the 'needy' category in the future. Also encouraging marriage to be seen as a model that works rather than 40% ending in divorce so that people again decide to marry rather than cohabit which is significantly less stable. Of course there is an absolute pressing urgency to help the needy now and we must do our best but also I believe as Christians we must look to the future - if we can stop people falling in the river then we will have less bodies to recover downstream. Thank you very much for writing your thought provoking article and best wishes in all you do. Duncan MacInnes
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