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Article Title: The Trouble With Women
Author of reported comment: Chris Hall
Comment Date: 15:32 on Apr 4 2011
Comment: I'm no theologian, but I wonder whether when discussing the male and female roles in leadership etc, the notion of responsibility should be considered more that the notion of authority. I'm kind of thinking out loud here, but judging from God's responses to Adam & Eve after their disobedience, it seems to me that God holds Adam responsible in a way that he doesn't hold Eve. They both experience consequences for their actions, but it seems to me that there is an element that in the couple God holds Adam responsible in a way that is different for Eve. My point ? Well, concerning church leadership, maybe the issue has more to do with who God holds responsible. It's true that for the majority of God's story with the Jewish people, the person who was responsible before God was a King, or male Judge. But not always. And although God spoke predominantly through men to his people, he also spoke through women (as has already been pointed out). But none of that took away individual responsibiity before God, either. Then i wonder if there is a difference between leading a church, and bringing a message from God. We are all called to bring a message from God, in the sharing of the Gospel, men and women alike. We are all called to witness and share our faith, through our lives but also through our words, men and women alike. But not all of us are called to lead a church. Not all men, not all women. And what does it mean 'to lead a church' anyway? To feed, to protect, to nurture...? One thing which is certain, is that both men and women have enormous abilities for leadership, teaching, preaching, communicating, sharing, etc. Both outside of the church and inside, so whatever our position on male and female roles, it is unfounded if it is based on the notion of ability.
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