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Article Title: Fallen Worship Leader
Author of reported comment: Ivamere Codrokadroka
Comment Date: 23:06 on Apr 6 2011
Comment: Terry!! I know that you feel like you have failed many, your loved ones and even God!!! I'm your daughter here to encourage you; that our God is greater than our failures; weaknesses and sin...and he is a God of second chance...i may not know you physically...but God's immense grace and boundless love has not still changed and never will.... Mrs. Macalmon.... Going with Christ becomes a real challenge when we choose to continue in Christ's way and not that of the world's.......You might say"You don't know anything that's going on in my life" But, this is how we are different from those that are of the world. The pain, struggle, disownership from our loved ones, rejections that comes with it is what we have to endure as daughters of the Most High God.... God is still ALIVE! and Yes!! He Still Hears Prayers!!! In your greatest hour of distress and Hurt!! Cry It out to Him!! The God of Peace Is Always With You!!!He will never leave you nor forsake you!!!
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