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Article Title: Return To Ministry
Author of reported comment: Carol
Comment Date: 19:55 on Apr 7 2011
Comment: Terry. I am so very glad that you are returning to what you were meant to do. I too, went through divorce. I am now remarried to a wonderful Christian man and God has restored the years the locust has eaten. I now faciliate a divorce recovery class and help others to move on..There is life after divorce and God truly is a God of second chances and restoration. There was a time in my life that I was suffering from a broken heart. I was devastated. A girlfriend gave me your cd and when I heard the song 'heal me' I fell on the floor and waves of the love of God washed over me,, healing my heart and giving me the courage to move on.. Your music is a gift to the world and God uses it to bring healing to the heart. Now that you have experienced what a lot of others have you will be even more compassionate and of greater use to the Father. Thank you for your honesty with the world and for obeying the call on your life. We bless you and ask God to use you even more in your humbleness. Carol
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