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Article Title: Live At Six Flags
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 18:40 on May 9 2011
Comment: Another classic vinyl by Chris that features the group Whiteheart. Side A starts with Chris' classics such as "Love Them While We Can" from 1983; "Mountain Top" from his debut recorded in 1976. Side A finishes off with the popular "Satifaction Guaranteed" and his well known anthem recorded by the Imperials, "Praise the LORD". Side A is centered by a medley of 11 ccm classics that he was involved with one way or another: "Walkin on a Cloud" and "From the Start"(recorded by BJ Thomas ) 2 of my favorites. The B side includes "Look How Far You've Come" from 1981, co-written by ccm pioneer Jamie Owens-Collins. Chris' classic "Get Back to the Bible", which I love whole heartedly; and "Sail On" (recorded by the Imperials). Side B is centered by a medley of pop tunes that Chris was involved with one way or another: "Telephone Lines", "Love song of the Year", "Back in my Life Again" and his 1981 hit "I want you, I need you" are some of my favorites. Truly a collector's lp for those who enjoy Chris' music. GOD Bless! - Don
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