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Article Title: Eye Of The Storm
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 19:13 on May 9 2011
Comment: Have you heard this remarkable acoustic set of songs by Mark?; YOU ARE MISSING OUT IF YOU HAVE NOT! The starter song on side 1 "Eye of the Storm" is a top notch recording, has hit written all over it!; ccm artist Steve Archer also recorded this song on "Through His Eyes of Love" lp recorded same year as this album. Mark was soo talented with playing countless instruments and supplying many of his background vocals for the songs. I just love the follow up song "The Pain that Plagues Creation";who cannot relate to the chorus line "day by day we ache with the pain that plagues this creation. The acoustic sounds of each song on this album causes you to stop and listen to each song speak. "He will Listen to you" is the last # on side 1; unbelievable acoustic and harmony vocals:another favorite. "In the Gaze of the Spotlight's Eye" begins side 2; a song I love. The words to "These Plastic Halos" are so true; I just love the title. "No One But You" has two sides; a simple lovesong. "Moonflower" shows off Mark's poetic side of writing. Great lp! GOD Bless! - Don
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