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Article Title: KarenLeigh
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 14:32 on May 12 2011
Comment: I have this one and only cd by this wonderful duo; both of whom were part of group Truth the year prior. They sang with trio lead on Truth's radio hit "Givin it up for YOU" in 1994. I had heard ccm radio play the song "Save it for a Rainy Day", great song! It has hit written all over it! The song also includes 2 bgv's associated with top ccm artist Amy Grant; Chris Rodriguez & Vicki Hampton: written by Grant Cunningham and top ccm recording artist Michelle Tumes. I love the song "But I Do"; great vocals are heard; a favorite! Well known songwriter for ccm songs Geoff Thurman co-wrote "Call My Name" as you may familiar with his 6 minute masterpiece for Amy Grant; the 1984 "JEHOVAH". "No More Words" begins with wondrous harmonica, love this song; it was co-written by DC Talk's Toby. This song is destined to be a ccm classic; the duo did a most beautiful recording. It would have been nice to hear more recordings by this duo. GOD Bless! - Don
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