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Article Title: Greatest Hits
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 17:56 on May 26 2011
Comment: First thing you will note about cd, has similar cover photo as 1982 lp "Victims of the Age". Mark's great signature classic "Heart of Hearts" starts the 14 songset( most ccm listeners know that ccm artist Leslie Phillips covered this song so well the following year). I love Mark's songwriting ; the lyrics are so well written. 6 songs are from "Victims of Age" lp. Only 2 songs from 1984 "Ashes & Light" a top fave lp. I missed not seeing ccm radio hit "We Believe So Well" on this collection. His highly favorable acoustic from 1983 "Eye of the Storm" is included; great song! (also covered same year by ccm artist Steve Archer) 4 #'s from 1981 "Stop the Dominoes":1 song from 1985 lp "Mosaics". How true the words to "Threw it Away". I really like his pop tune "One Night Stand" from 1981. "Victims of the Age" great song! I believe that Mark's songs could have crossed over to secular radio long before Amy Grant (DID THEY??) Leslie Phillips can be heard on the chorus of "Faces in Cabs". This cd begins with a 1982 song and ends the same; I really like the title "Everybody Loves a Holy War": makes you think a little. (I believe Larry Norman is singing with Mark on this song). This is a nice collection of Mark's songs; even though it falls a little short of his greatest hits. There are some songs not heard from "Mosaics" & "Ashes of Light" albums. Hats off to a well missed ccm artist! whose songs still bless man. GOD Bless! -Don ps. another cd great added by crossrhythms. thanx!
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