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Article Title: Reflection Of Something
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 17:24 on Jun 4 2011
Comment: 2 years after his debut, Todd delivers another cd of new songs for ccm genre. Todd seems to rock out more with this 2nd release; more bluesy type style songs:deeper vocals also are heard. I like the starter song "Something Beautiful"; I do not like the line "...all I can be is someone completely ugly!": GOD does not look at His children this way at all,even before the born again experience. I love "Blood on my Hands"; I like the way the old hymn is incorporated within the song:save this song & another old hymn "It is Well", Todd wrote every song for this cd. The nearly 6 minute "Isaiah 6" is quite a stand out #; it is a well crafted song, wtg Todd!: I love this song!! "In the Middle of Me" is a great song! great guitar licks for this song. I really like the lyrics to the chorus of "Where Were You":"Fullness Sound"; what a song title!;great styled song! The words to "My JESUS" really grab the listener; thanks for a great song Todd!How true the line "cause my JESUS would never be accepted in my church". About 30 seconds after track 12 arrives track 13 which is silence only; then shortly comes a track 14 which is another 30 seconds of silence: then lo and behold we hear track 15 song enter, "All is Well". Once again I have difficulty with the music added to a classic hymn. Todd has great vocals, but the proper delivery is somehow missed for the nearly 8 minutes, to make an impact on the listener. GOD Bless! -Don
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