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Article Title: X-Men: First Class
Author of reported comment: Rob
Comment Date: 19:44 on Jun 10 2011
Comment: hmm, I thought this film wiped the floor with the first 3 of the franchise, and even the Wolverine film. That's all opinion, though, I guess. What I agree with is that the film was pushing its decency limits to the very edge (or perhaps over the edge). I don't see why (and I've tried to see) the mutant villain's telepathic psychic had to spend most of the film wih her cleavage showing more than her acting prowess. What was the point in this? It's degrading to women, puts a rather shallow aspiration in the minds of young women. This boundary-pushing has to stop. We're losing the fabric of our society, to a point where this sort of thing is no longer shameful.
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