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Article Title: Stu G: Guitarist with Delirious? on the band breakup and new group One Sonic Society
Author of reported comment: finalmattasy
Comment Date: 23:00 on Jul 19 2011
Comment: I've been thinking allot about these guys lately. It's nice to see some feelings shared as to the reason of the death of Delirious. In regards to that, I've been wondering, in spite of current church culture, whether or not it's best to have a "band" in the church. It's weird, as a musician it seems apparent to me that placing such a strong focus on the players can be counterproductive to glorifying God. We've all been indoctrinated by rock "star" celebrity culture, to varying degrees. I'd personally love to be more creative with church music. But at the same time I think that the intricacy of melodies can be distracting. It's like the more complex the music gets, the more specific it gets in style. The more stylistically specific it gets, the more those who don't care for such a style will be turned off. If they like that style, they can then become pre-occupied with the worshippers instead of the worshipped (God). I love music, but I feel like Martin might have gotten it right to quit. It's like that Leonard Cohen song "Hallelujah." The song has that line, "you don't really care for music do ya?" Ultimately I think God really doesn't care, especially when the music becomes a ruse for the true gifts of the Holy Spirit... but I still love music, and as a musician, I hope I'm wrong. From this point of view though, it makes sense that selfish expression resonates with the world. Whereas submissive expression, though it might sonically suck, is the true calling of music the body of Christ. I personally gravitated to the parts of Delirious' songs that complained or sounded sonically selfish. There's so much personal involvement in a life committed to music that I really wonder whether or not such extreme isolated self-involvement isn't truly at it's core, Satanic. I'll stop ruminating now, again, I hope I'm wrong. I love music, and I think personal (selfish) music sounds best.
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