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Article Title: Shirley Goes R&B
Author of reported comment: Delmar
Comment Date: 21:49 on Jul 23 2011
Comment: I grew up in the church, and reading all the critic posts on here, is WHY I don't go anymore. Too much dogma and religious B.S. going on, and NOT ENUFF SOULS BEING SAVED!!! So, no thanks! And spare me the argument that I should still do it for myself and nobody else. Bottom line: I show up at a gas station to fill up, but there is no gas, and I go the next one, same thing. Do I continue to waste my time and gas? I've been looking to fill up for 33 years. Thats what is happening here. Folks are going to church but leaving more empty than when they first went in. No fill-ups going on in these churches today. Folks are arguing about a damn line from a song, yet people are spiritually dying. i'm soo over it at this point.
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