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Article Title: Oslo Tragedy - Politics, Religion And Personal Evil
Author of reported comment: Simha Mendelsohn
Comment Date: 01:50 on Jul 29 2011
Comment: Thank You for the opportunity to express an opinion as outsider: You state at the 3rd paragraph from the END UP: I quote: The bombing may well not have been about general indiscriminate killing but, in the twisted logic of a deranged person, inflicting damage on specific political ideals or the general political system. I don't see this criminals -that take the law in their own hands- as psychopaths, crazy, unbalanced and deranged persons. To me this is insulting, to the unfortunate that fit your description. You are insulting the unfortunate by taking a criminal murderer and fit him with them. This criminal is going to a luxurious cell. Paid by the people that he already committed crime against. He is on the news, and will be there for a long time. History will treat him well; you believe me. The Media and the "civilized system" will ensure his leaves a comfortable life. You will ask me what is the alternative. Well, we do not have one. But the way Society works and lives today, I am not surprised that there are people that commit this kind of atrocities. Remember please, this criminals are playing by the rules that have been created by the "civilized, democratic, MULTICULTURAL Societies" ALL over the world May G'D Be we us. We need him more than ever to give wisdom to our minds. Thank You, Simha
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