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Article Title: Amy Grant: CCM icon with a heart in motion
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 15:22 on Aug 4 2011
Comment: I actually have this orginal article for CCM Magazine; it is like ancient now, 20 years ago! Amy's music for me, has always provided a breath of fresh wind. I will play her music, and then one day, a song I've been listening to for a long time hits home; usually a line or two grabs me: the way GOD intended. I really like the way Amy commented about a painter's point of view of an individual liking or disliking their art verses music tastes. It is so true, either you like it or you don't; and if you do not like a painting, you simply just walk away from it. Amy's music has blessed my life beyond words, GOD Bless her for it!
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