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Article Title: Amy Grant: Talks about changes in life and her new album
Author of reported comment: Don
Comment Date: 21:30 on Aug 6 2011
Comment: I love the song "Better Than A Hallelujah" as well; great songwriting; kudos to the songwriters! Amy did a swell job at recording the song. As a very stout listener to Amy's music, I was kinda disappointed at the fact that, not too many new songs came about. I recall at the release of one cd (think it was Behind the Eyes or House of Love) there were 31 songs recorded! Have we heard all of those songs yet? Yes, great duet with Sarah on "Overnight"; and boy, how often we want things to occur overnight too! I really love the rare, acoustic "Come Into My World"; so glad we get to finally hear it! I do not know where people get the idea that every song you sing has to mention GOD or JESUS; I mean c'mon, not every Bible verse mentions them, but you know that GOD is there, He is His Word! GOD knows the heart, and we have seen the good that has come forth from Amy's in her music, GOD Bless you Amy!
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