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Article Title: Rioters Are NOT 'Scum'! They Are The Fatherless
Author of reported comment: Kenneth Nesbitt
Comment Date: 12:56 on Aug 10 2011
Comment: I'm not yet convinced that it is the lack of a father figure or father that is the cause of the problems. I wonder if other factors are the major factors and that lack of fathers correlates to rather than causes the problems in young people. Given that I know so many single-parent families where children do NOT go off the rails, given I know many two-parent, nuclear families whose children DO go off the rails, given I know lesbian couples with very well adjusted children who've grown up into people parents can be proud of, I'm simply not convinced the issue is causal but rather correlational. However, I'm willing to be convinced and I thought it a timely article and timely reminder to all of us who need to be aware of our own contribution to a broken society. Thank you Jonathan.
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