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Article Title: Making Monkeys Out Of Us
Author of reported comment: Karl
Comment Date: 10:35 on Aug 11 2011
Comment: Hi Paul. There's an fantastic book about language called "The Language Instinct" by Stephen Pinker, in which he talks about how chimps' brains are fundamentally different from ours, like you said. He discusses the research into teaching chimps to talk (with sign language), and explains why—despite some impressive achievements—their brains are naturally rubbish at it. Just one subtle point: I don't think many naturalists would agree that chimps are "just one step lower down the chain of life-forms." Darwinists view chimps—and all other living organisms—as being our cousins, according to this "family tree of life" You make me want to get a budgie. We had one when we were kids, but it never spoke a word; it just ate loads of millet. It must have been a lazy budgie. We should have taken it back to the shop, where it could reflect on its slovenly ways. Karl
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